Whether you’re operating a commercial semi truck or towing a trailer for a weekend camping trip, you always have to ensure that you’re following proper truck safety measures. Obviously you need to drive as safely as possible at all times, but there is more to be done when it comes to towing trailers, no matter what is being towed.
Since these trailers are often carrying thousands of pounds of freight, even the smallest mistake can cause potentially fatal damages out on the road. If these trailers sway even a few inches into oncoming traffic, there could be horrible collisions.
Here are some excellent tips for correcting trailer sway in order to avoid damage to your freight and catastrophic roadway collisions:
- Weight distribution — When it comes to preventing and correcting trailer sway, handling the trailer weight is one of the most important aspects. Weight distribution systems are recommended if the trailer being towed is more than 50% of the operating vehicle’s weight. Each weight distribution hitch will have two weight ratings: the gross trailer weight and the tongue weight.
- Secure the trailer — For proper trailer securing, a sway device must be equipped. Trailer sway devices come in two basic types: those that reduce sway once swaying has begun and those that work to prevent trailer sway altogether. Additionally, using a quality trailer feed is a must for securing the trailer to the truck. This wire connects the brake controller to the six-way or seven-way trailer connector at the back of the tow vehicle.
- Use quality braking systems — Without efficient brakes, even the most secure trailer can still cause horrible roadway damage. Not only does the operating vehicle’s brakes need to be fully functioning, but the trailer’s braking system needs to be working properly as well. Make sure you’re having each braking system inspected in order to ensure roadway safety.
If you want to learn more about correcting trailer sway and controlling trailer sway, find electric brake controllers, or work with professionals who can better secure your trucks and trailers, give Hayes Towing Electronics a call right away.